Ok, so I am guessing you’ve figured out the theme for May – flowers! Although, I realize I tend to use them already a lot in my work, I still wanted to dedicate the month of the May to them.
Normally, here in the Midwest, May IS the month when flowers appear. But with the unexpected (and much appreciated) early spring we had here this year, the flowers were all in bloom last month. I am not complaining though because then it will make the summer seem longer too.
So here is my first ode to the flower. I started with an image I’ve had in my collection for years and have tried to incorporate into something, anything. I was happy that my intuition took over this afternoon while creating this collage. Instantly, after rediscovering this lovely bouquet image, I placed some bright turquoise paper, then some cloud paper and knew I needed a hint of yellow and viola found this interestingly odd shaped one. I think this may be one of the fastest collages I’ve put together in a long while. Enjoy!